
Showing posts from February, 2012

Nair's B'day...

Well today was Nair's B'day and yesterday night we trashed him. We bought him a cake and a T-shirt. We order for a gift too which we hope he will like.

Pause in bloggin...

Well since i dont have my laptop i will be pausing the entries for a while, i will be posting important ones. Thank you...

Bye bye laptop

Well yesterday was the final blow and my laptop crashed again, so i have no other choice but to give my laptop for service. I looked through my phone for a service center and found one called Rashi Peripherals and they were the closest one so i decided to give it to them. I used the location app to pin point the exact location of the shop and thankfully i reached there without asking anyone for directions. The app showed me which bus, where to get down and where to turn, thank you google. Well i saw the place and it was huge, divided into 3 floors. The service floor was on 2 so took my laptop there and waited as they gave me a number. My number came and they asked me what the problem was and i told them that there is bluescreens and the occasional clicking sound from the HDD, they told me to take the laptop out and they were dumbfounded, i mean the people in the entire room was looking as i took out the biggest laptop (i think) they have ever seen. Some other customers were like OMG

Presentation... Whoo...

Well today was an epic day as we did really well in our presentation. We had a lead game designer from Ubisoft and of course Harish sir was also there. First off the presentation was spear headed by Deepak and Sam's team. Thier game was a board game and also includes multi-platform, like a single game can be played both on IOS and Android, i guess that what they said. Deepak and Sam... Second off we went, we explained our concept and well desperately hung on to the thing that is keeping the game apart and that is the featuring of old cars such as ambassador and contessa, and also the fact that the game is taking place in Chennai, we had a lot of positive reviews and was appreciated for the amount of work we did in pre-production, i mean the surveys and organization we did. They said it was professional. They said that they expect to play the game soon. Me and Sanjay... Then Varun and ravi went in, there game was, dang forgot the name. Its about a boy who is cursed and

Game breeds 2012

Well today was the official start of Game Breedz 2012, its the annual gaming competition that our college holds. Our juniors will be presenting games and stuff. Well the most important matter is the gaming tournaments. We also have a jury in front of people from various companies. I dont know who will be coming this year and yes i do have a presentation tomorrow of our game. I hope sanjay made the necessary changes to the presentation. My laptop is showing more blue screens now and i dont know i think i have to give it for service. I really hope i dont have to i mean in this peak time without laptop i will be handicapped. Well i hope for the best.

Mass effect 3 co-op

Wow finished playing mass effect demo, the game literally brought a tear to my, its gonna be a war i know it. When you mess with humans you are going to get an avenger rifle unloaded on your face reapers!! the demo absolutley beautiful. The beginnig gives you so much inspiration and seeing earth under attack and stuff will set fire to your heart and if you have played mass effect 1 and 2 you know that things are coming in for an epic clash. Man just thinking about it gives me goosebumps. The game literally is stuck to my head. Its releasing next month. I really wish i got the original, sad.  Well the multiplayer was open and we can play 4 player co-op where we had to survive oncoming hordes of enemies just like CODMW spec ops only this is 4 players, special powers etc.  Well on my last post i said that i will put something about the normandy no? and here it is. Normandy SR-1 Normandy SR-1 is the most advanced ship in the alliance military, made with the help of turians its t

Mass effect 3 demo

OMG its finally out, the demo of the most anticipated game of 2012 is here. Its 2.1 gb and i have started to download it from the official servers. Dang its only 2k to pre-order i wish i had money to buy it. It would be money best spent. When i remember mass effect all the game scenes are there in my head, the characters etc. Well if there is anyone reading this and dont know about mass effect i wll give a short story. Commander Sheperd (male), on the background earth under attack Mass effect is Bioware's Crown Title, its a division on EA and has created some of the most and best RPG games to hit the game market. Jade Empire, Mass Effect, Star Wars the Old Republic MMORPG and Dragon Age are a few of their most noted titles.  In mass effect 1 we play the character of Commander Shepherd, the players can induvidualy tailor their characters. They can be male/female. Thier place of birth Earth/Colony/Spacer, thier pscyh profile War Hero/ Ruthless/ Sole survivor. These op


Well today got up early as i had jury at 9 so reached college and found myself in uncharted territory. It seems that i am so much isolated that it was really wierd when i went to college after so many days. Well after sometime i saw a few familiar faces and then sanjay came too. We decided to go first and started explaining. We hadnt changed the presentation as it was still based on cryengine so we needed to change that. The files were with Sanjay so i couldnt change it. There was a lot more things to be done in terms of pre-production and well honestly the work is progressing really slow and we need to step things up. This coming saturday and sunday the college is hosting Game Breedz so we will have a presentation of our game then too i guess.

Call of Duty Spec Ops

Well today was an exciting day, Deepak informed me that there was a server patch or something for call of duty spec ops. It can be played on co-op online and we wanted to play it on lan. The spec ops mode of call of duty is really exciting to play and when played with a friend its double the fun. So i decided to give it a whirl and it seems that its gonna be tough to get it work as it seems to be not working. In terms of work i did the texturing for the roads and the footpath so bringing it into udk will be next. Tomorrow i am having a jury so lets see what happens then.

Empty days 2...

Sorry about the repeating titles, i mean today i was meaning to go to college and woke up at 1pm in the afternoon eventhough i slept early. Sanjay called and told that he will come tomorrow so again back to sleep. But was hungry and so took bath and went to get something to eat. In the evening Zaid called and asked to come to subway and i went. The traffic in chennai is so bad sometimes. Zaid worked so hard that he had a disc dislocated and now has to wear a belt. I hope i dont have to so i need to get up and move. Sitting a very long time can cause piles too. o.O

Empty days...

Well today a lot of revleations happened to me and sadly the truth hit so hard that it was obvious things were going the wrong way. There were a lot of things to be done and sadly it was going really slow. The Game Breedz of this year is on the 15th i guess and we have a presentation on that day. But with cryengine the truth came that at the end of things we cannot create a game. It will be just a level design so i asked sanjay to change the engine to unity or UDK, i dont like unity, i dont know as i dont know it actually. So we will be going to college tomorrow as i need to get the signs for the dissertation and stuff.

Sleepy sunday...

Well today nothing happenend in the morning. We had planned to go to spencers to get something to eat as we hadn't eaten anything. We went to spencers and got 2 blu-ray's the Transformers Revenge of the Fallen and Avatar 3D. Later we ate from KFC, it was like the last day that we planned to enjoy because we all knew that things were going to heat up soon. As a icing on the cake we decided to go to a movie, The Chronicle. It was ok not that great but what was interesting was the theater we were in. It was in Escape at EA and the theater was names Plush. Its inspired from ladies, the walls made of velvet cloth and diamond thingy and there was a big chandelier too. I took photos but they are too dark as seen below... The figure u seen in the middle is deepak and yes the theater was virtually empty... Small theater... Why, for a theater... maybe girls will like it Fancy... Squash Championship Ah yes at EA the Squash championships were going on, when we w


Sanjay gave me a shock last night, he said that there was some issues regarding our game and so should meet him at college. I reached at college and came to know that there was no problem. Later i left with Deepak and went to city center to grab something to eat. We went to subway and their latest offer was the Aloo Patti and Chicken Ham for Rs 65, there are some restrictions though. Anything extra will cost, i mean like veggies and meat. The sauces were limited to three. But thats cool, for 65rs that's worth it. We actually planned to go to Spencer's to get some blu-ray's to watch but then planned to postpone it.

At chennai...

Well i am back at chennai, nothing has changed much. The train trip was fun, the people with me were all mallu's and we were talking all through the journey. The night was really cold and i woke up actually due to it. My phone kept up till i reached chennai, it started at 99% battery when i got on the train and stayed at 28% till i reached my room, thats approximatley 15hrs+ and also i played games, listened to music and all those stuff too.

Chennai here i come...

Well all the stuff are packed and ready, ticket and everything ready. Will reach Chennai by tomorrow morning. I hope it wont be really cold in the train.

Last of days...

Well today is officially going be the second last day in Kerala for a long time, i really wish i could stay a bit longer but duty calls and my life is on the stake so sacrifices need be done...