Mass effect 3 demo

OMG its finally out, the demo of the most anticipated game of 2012 is here. Its 2.1 gb and i have started to download it from the official servers. Dang its only 2k to pre-order i wish i had money to buy it. It would be money best spent. When i remember mass effect all the game scenes are there in my head, the characters etc. Well if there is anyone reading this and dont know about mass effect i wll give a short story.
Commander Sheperd (male), on the background earth under attack

Mass effect is Bioware's Crown Title, its a division on EA and has created some of the most and best RPG games to hit the game market. Jade Empire, Mass Effect, Star Wars the Old Republic MMORPG and Dragon Age are a few of their most noted titles.

 In mass effect 1 we play the character of Commander Shepherd, the players can induvidualy tailor their characters. They can be male/female. Thier place of birth Earth/Colony/Spacer, thier pscyh profile War Hero/ Ruthless/ Sole survivor. These options have their own consequences in the game to. There are 2 paths to choose from you can be the ultimate hero by choosing paragon or  become the ultimate badass by choosing renegade. 

Mass effect 1
In mass effect 1 we are sent to eden prime to find a becon and there Saren a SPECTRE (Special Tactics and Reconnaissance branch) kills another one and tries to destroy eden prime, we manage to stop Saren's plan. In our quest to find Saren, we find that Saren is trying to bring back the Reapers, a Sentient race so advanced and unknown that is rumored to have wiped out the entire universe. In the end we find Saren and find out that his ship is a reaper. They destroy all communication between colonies and try to take over the citadel which is the heart of the council that maintains control. Finally we defeat saren and delay the invasion.

This is just 1% of the story and if you want to know more please play the game, this is the wiki link for further reading

Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 2

In this things are different because in the end mission "suicide mission" commander shepherd can die if we dont upgrade the normandy, (i will tell about the normandy in my next post as it requires one). In the beginning we die and are brought by a pro-human group called Cerberus and asked to stop the reapers. In this we find a new species called collectors who are acutally ancestors who were thought to be removed by the reapers. We finally destroy the base and escape or die along with it depending on the choices we made.

This is just another 1% of the story, here is the wiki link..

I remember the time i got this game for the first time from Jassif, i took it to Oman where i got my new PC with the nvidia 9600GT card, but at that time i asked jassif and he said its just talking man no fun to play and so i didnt play it and finished Devil May Cry 4 and Assassins Creed. Without nothing else to do i installed mass effect only to play it nearly 8+ hours non stop, my dad who never scolds me came in shouted at me like anything for playing and really at that moment all that was going on in my head was what is going to happen next, he knew how much i loved games and seeing how i played he knew that i have to finish it or i will not sleep. Who knew it would become my most favourite RPG game.

I got mass effect 2 when i was in chennai and bought it, well from a friend. In the beginning when i saw Shepherd die, i was like ok but when i saw the normandy explode i was heartbroken. Well i guess thats enough for one day i will post more tomorrow.


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