Working... Maori...

Well today was one of those days when getting up feels like so bad and you just want to stay in bed. Well work was piling up and so had to get up and start. With the research i did a few days back on the logo for my card I finally decided to use the inspiration of Maori. Well it would be a good idea to tell about them here...

'Maori are the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand, and their story is both long and intriguing. On the basis of oral records, archaeological finds and genetic analyses, historical treatises place the arrival of Maori in New Zealand in the thirteenth century AD.

The origin of Maori has been reliably traced to the islands of Eastern Polynesia, and their journey to New Zealand occurred in a number of epic waka (canoe) voyages over a significant period of time. These journeys established Maori as daring and resourceful adventurers, and as one of the greatest navigating peoples of all time.

Maori Culture

Contemporary Maori culture has been shaped by the traditions of its rich cultural heritage, with an outward view of the challenges faced by indigenous peoples in a global society.

Defining aspects of Maori culture include art, legend, tattoo (moko), performances (notably kapa haka), customs, hospitality and community. Since the early 1980s Maori culture has undergone a renaissance. The regeneration of interest in Maori culture has extended to language, and Maori language programs (such as kohanga reo) are now flourishing.

Please take some time to explore this website and learn more about this fascinating and vibrant culture.'*

I really loved thier tattoos it was my initial inspiration to do a tattoo based logo, and after learning about them i was very much interested, in the morning i was watching the making of avatar and James Cameron in New Zealand and how the stunt crew greeted him in the end. It all made me more inclined to Maori.

Absolutley beautiful designs, so i decided to do use it. For my previous logos i was using the concept of eye so i decided to stick with that one here and in the end it didnt look close to where i had started...


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