keyshot 3...

As many would know i have been using keyshot for quite sometime and well lately we got the new version of keyshot which is available for trail. Me and Vivian were excited to know that it was released and downloaded the latest version, i re-rendered my Audi-R8 in it again and this is how it looks...

Re-rendered version of my audi r-8
Keyshot 3 also supports animation, well not like the ones in 3ds max or Maya but a more simpler one. There is also a animation wizard that helps in creating simple animations.

Image Courtesy of:
There are some new and interesting features for the camera, and the perspective camera mode really brings out the perspective in the scene. For those intersted to know more about keyshot this is the website:

We learned about keyshot when i was doing my diploma at that time there was the software hypershot, its similar in many ways. At a glance keyshot and hypershot will look the same ( that's because the keyshot was created by programmers who worked for hypershot, they started the company Luxion). Hypershot used be from the company Bunkspeed, they now release the Move(for animation) and Shot(for images) and Pro (for both).
Image Courtesy: 
The thing that seperates keyshot from hypershot is that Keyshot is a CPU(Processor) intensive rendering program whereas Hypershot is a GPU(Graphic Card) intensive software. So if your system has a low end graphic card you will get very bad render times and without a graphic card nothing happens, but Keyshot relies on your CPU and the latest version has really good render times too.

This is the link to bunkspeed:

Well downloaded the tutorials for the game engine and started watching, after sometime i went for eating. Its raining and i think i am having a bit of headache after that, will watch the rest of the tutorials tomorrow. Downloaded some plugins for 3ds max and the SP1 for that too...


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