
Showing posts from May, 2012

AI and vehicles...

Since i will be putting the default grunt and vehicles in cryengine i was working on the past few days to do the AI for the game. Some of the main areas have guards now and will attack the player on sight. Each area has upto 3 guards and two vehicles patroling that area. These are the images of the current WIP and also some of the flowgraphs i used, its really basic stuff nothing advanced or anything still here it is... Guards at the parking area New buildings.. Guards at the barracks... Guards at the pier Guards at the refinery entrance Guards at the container area exit... Guards... yes they all are the same grunts :( A flowgraph... Another flowgraph New building... Well the only thing i need to know are a lot of things actually, one being that when the vehicle sees the player, the AI should get down and start shooting, maybe i will post it in the forums and see what happens... Thanks for reading...

First Video, game test

Well today finally got the guts to make the video on the level, for recording it took sometime because the sound wasnt coming out properly due to some reason and finally we fixed it. The route shown in the level is just one of the many that can be taken throughout the game. Well the gameplay isnt set yet maybe in a day or so i will do the AI and stuff, since i will be using the default AI and characters i dont think it will be much of a problem, the navigation and stuff will be i guess, i havent worked with AI before and i hope it will be fun.This is the link to the vid on youtube...

Sliding gates and rotating gates

Well yesterday was digging day i was searching the forums on a way to do doors, i thought that there was like a trigger i can put and when player steps inside it and presses a button the door will open and sound will play. As i went searching i understood one thing something was wrong and it turns out the thing i am looking for happens to be an entity inside Cryengine wow how come i didnt see. Well started playing with it. The normal door was enough for me but i wanted the door to return to its normal position after it moved on the player input. So more digging finally i found out the way through the forest level and it was done for both the sliding doors and the rotating ones. Well lighting for almost the buildings are done after this need to make some chimmenys so that smoke can come out and installing audacity or sound forge for editing the sounds for the opening and closing of the gates and some random sounds too. The wall needs a lot of work so will be doing it today. This is th

Tweaking and WIP...

Work has been progressing slow since i wasnt up to speed in the past days, slept well for a day and stuff in terms of work there was some simple stuff done. Cryengine usually does some wierd stuff like the lights go missing the birds arent there etc, wierd. But as its restarted its ok... hmm... well putting lights for the buildings is the current work and then after the A/c units and then the ground work will start. Pipes, junction boxes, fuel tanks, generators are all planned for the level. In terms of vegetation i am really bad and so i rather not do that. Running into a major issue of concealing the level since at the end i dont know what to put to close it up. Well i guess for the container section i will use containers and some stuff. Need to create some blinking lights no idea on how to do it. Most probably its going to be using flowgraph which i am still new to. This is the current WIP... Thanks for reading... Thanks for reading...

An epic day to remember...

Today 21/05/2012 is going to be the most memorable day of my life. In my previous post i had mentioned that we will be having post production jury tomorrow actually there was one more thing happening in our college too. The Square Enix Roadshow, yes, Square Enix in our college. We had Shoji Shiromoto, the producer of Final Fantasy series in our college. He was here to tell about thier intiative in India on creating games for the Indian market and stuff but what was least expected was that he would come and check our works. GOD!! i was in the beginning imagining that this was not happening and then suddenly he just walked into the console room with Jai sir and Jai sir looked at me and asked would you like to first, i was a bit hesitant but i went ahead and showed him my level. The amount of feedback from him was just epic and industry expert, creator of an epic game giving comments on my level design. He asked me whether i had made all the things and i said yes he was like WOW, i made

WIP and Post production jury tomorrow...

Well things are looking kinda grim at the moment, the terrain texturing was a pain in the ass, every time i opened and closed cryengine the color information of the terrain would vanish but leave the details there. So now i need to keep it open and until all the terrain work is complete i need to create the terrain surface texture and save it, after that work on it is limited. Well my friend asked me what i have learned in creating the level for my game in cryengine and was cryengine a better engine. Truthfully speaking cryengine has been a helping hand throughout the level creation. In the beginning i started with a level and it looked really symmetrical, so without hesitation i deleted the entire level. I started a new one that was more organic to see and looked way better. The things that i have learned using cryengine was mostly on the modelling side since most of my time was spent there. I learned how to do UI and HUD for my game and many more things this is the current state of


Work is progressing steadily but at a low pace, need to increase my speed, happily Saravanan sir asked Jai sir to help me with the HUD and UI and he is giving me a hand. For the first time i did my ship model and it came out horrible... :( but i guess it will do for the game. The first crane and its accompanying buildings are done. The industrial section is done. Cant elaborate since time is really less. VIEWS HAS REACHED 5000 thanks to all my views... when i started my blog i never expected 5k views. Thanks to all and GOOGLE too for creating blogger... A view of the dock from the ship Factory Area My first Ship... 8k polys :( Factory Area... Time is running out for me from both sides i just hope i can finish things in time and guys pls comment on my works i need it so that i have a better blog that i can show my lectureres. THANK YOU!!

Getting ready...

Working as fast as i can right now, intial blocking of the area is done now need to models in there. Have been working on some of the models and prefabing them to create new buildings. In the evening went to CCD near zaids place sadly we didnt do any artworks since i felt that he needed the time. I started writing the dissertation there. It was mothers day and i had the offer from CCD to get free coffee so i got one for zaid and me. Putting all the required stuff in folders so that i can present it to them when they come.  Working on more buildings so that i can remove all the solids and then start with the walls and putting meshes for covering and stuff...