BRC The plot

Yesterday was a long night for me i sat down and started on the plot for the game as to how the story came and how BRC came into existence. So here is the plot for the BRC, please do comment if you like it...

Chennai is one of the most busiest and developed cites in south India, its only rival is Bangalore. In the year 2009, the government and the industrialists are poised with a problem that is been in india for a very long time. The amount of black money that has accumulated in Chennai has reached mind boggling amounts; the people handling the money are in a situation where there is money like the ocean. So all the leaders and industrialists come for a meeting at the house of Muthaliyar, muthalyiar is one of the most influential people in Chennai, after a long discussion they decide what needs to be done to get rid of all this black money. So Muthalyiar puts forward the idea of BRC, Black Race Club.

BRC will be a racing club that will host racing events in Chennai and the club itself will divided into four groups spanning Chennai city. Racers from all over India and the world are now invited to the BRC, each win will earn the individual driver a cut of the prize money. The numbers are like 10%,5% and 2%, and this is for amounts spanning from 10 lakhs to 10 crores, so the cut to the drivers are high too. Cars are being imported from all over the world to race in Chennai, Chennai is now a racing hub for the most talented drivers. But losing is not an option, to race in Chennai you need to put a bet on yourself and winner gets all and loser is in a hellish debt to the club, the club will use any means necessary to get the money back too.

Now its 2011, the police is now part of the BRC too, the racing is legal during night times and on specific roads that are bought by the BRC from the government. The main races are held in Marina beach road and over the Guindy flyover. The races start from 11pm to 5am in the morning and incoming traffic is diverted using parallel roads. Crashes are a common sight in the roads, the asphalt graphitised with tire skid marks and oil spills. The people in Chennai too are accustomed with the races and try to avoid the roads and also police don’t allow traffic too.

Now into this BRC is the stepping of a newbie who has no choice but to race for his life.

Now after this part our hero enters the scene i have written till the part where he starts to race and here it is...

Karthik ‘Karthi’ Subramanyam, is a mechanic who finished his automobile engineering from a university at Bangalore. He is a true fan of cars and engines so with the help of his friend he starts a mechanic shop in Triplicane near his house. Karthi is returning back to Chennai after a very long time so makes a few stops at his friends homes and its late so in a hurry Karthi is going through the Guindy-Kathipara flyover, unaware to him that there is a race going on he crashes with an oncoming racer. The other racers escape with scratches, the driver and Karthi are knocked out.

As Karthi’s eyes open in a hospital he is surrounded by his mother ‘Subbalakshmi’ and his sister ‘Sandhya’. They are relieved to see that Karthi is alright, they ask him what happened and Karthi explains what happened as they where going to explain to him the condition a person enters the room. He asks that he speaks privately with Karthi and so his mom and sister wait outside. Karthi doesn’t know who this person is and asks why he is here.

The man explains that his name is not important but asks to call him as the accountant. He tells that he is the one who manages the races for the Guindy team of the BRC and in the accident they lost one of their best drivers. Now Karthi tries to explain that this was not his problem and that they were on the wrong side, the accountant hits him saying that it was his fault to interefere in the race. Now Karthi asks what does the club want from him so the accountant says that the car he destroyed was a Audi R8, the car with its modifications estimates a whopping 2 crores and the race amount was 10 crores and was a really important race for the club which they lost.

So now Karthi has to pay 12 crores to the BRC, but Karthi tells that he doesn’t have that kind of money and that its impossible for him to get that much money. So the accountant tells that Karthi has one chance to pay his debt and that is to race for the BRC as a substitute driver. Karthi doesn’t agree but then the accountant threatens that the BRC will take everything from him and that he is giving him a chance to escape. With no choice whatsoever he agrees. The accountant says that he should see him in 2 days, the venue and location will be on this and he hands over a PDA (Personal Data Assistant), he warns him that his patience is thin and asks him to be there in time.

Karthi gets discharged from hospital, after 2 days he is asked to meet the accountant in Parry’s Corner. Karthi goes there and he finds himself in a garage with highly modified cars. A moment of elation but also the fear of the people around him. He sees a woman on the main desk and tells that he is to meet the accountant, she asks him whether his is Karthi and he tells yes. So she introduces herself as the group in charge and he can call her Angel, he asks why do all the people have code names, she explains that it is a way of keeping the identity a secret. She takes him around the shop and tells that the accountant wants to see him race so she gives him the keys of a modified Mitsubishi™ Lancer™. So now Karthi has to race from Parry’s to Santhome in the given time.

Karthi reaches there in more time than expected and this really makes the accountant like him, now he tells that he needs a car that can be his own, so he hands him the keys to a Hidustan Motors Contessa, he takes the car to the garage and modifies it with the initial money given to him by the accountant. Now Karthi is ready for his race, he takes his car for a test drive and finds that its worth the pain.

I will be expanding this further and also adding the presentation files too hope it will do for tomorrow...


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