Humanity or Faith...

A Christmas without my mother, great. I went to church in the morning, i really do hate the speeces given by priests they have zero usefulness to me. To me the things he told felt racist, he was comparing christians, i feel bad that we all follow Jesus but truth be told god said that one who does idol workship will be condemened but isnt that what we are doing now. I mean nowhere in the bible did Jesus ask that he be workshipped as god. Sadly people dont feel that way and based on what i dont know christians are now seperated what a great world we live in. 

I remember Assassins Creed now, in revelation when we kill the final guy who is Ahmed, Sulieman's uncle Ezio asks why he does this and he says that to bring humanity under one rule there should be one god, one people when people are split, when there are differences people fight for those differences all this bloodshed can be avoided if there was no differences in humans. I support that guy, all people on this world are equal and in front of god too there is no person great or small, it the deeds we do that sets us apart.

Well after that went to my Aunts house to eat, the appam was actually sticking to plate so we had to claw it out.

Assassins Creed 2

Lucy who is an assassin helps desmond out of Abstergo industries and brings him to a hideout of the assasins and there he meets Shaun and Rebecca, now in the new animus he play his ancestor Ezio Auditore da Firenze, whose friend happens to be Leonadro Da Vinci. 

Ezio Auditore Da Firezne...
Welcome to Italy...
Finally after getting the apple he sees Minerva who is a pre-human species that used the Apple to control mankind, its said that Adam and Eve were the first assassins and they stole the apple to rescue humainty. But then the war between the gods and humans reach a stage that they forget to notice what happens to the sun, a solar eruption wipes out earth. To prevent this from happening again the gods Minerva, Juno and Jupiter create structure that can prevent this called as temples. Only direct blood lines can access this but as soon as this is told Minerva looks at us and tells that Desmond can stop this. Ezio asks who desmond is but no answer is given.
The Apple of Eden
This is the link for the Truth video if anyone wants to see...


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