Happy birthday, mom

Well today was my mom's birthday, i got up from sleep when dad called me in the afternoon, and yes nowadays i get up in the evening dont know why. Wished my mom wishes and then sanjay called and said that Jai sir wanted to pitch the concept to him today so i went, well things didnt go so well with him, he wanted the story to be more deep and i will be working on the story tonight and also the presentation too, i asked vivian and deepak for a better logo for the game let me see what comes out.

The weather in chennai is getting weird it rained today and luckily i didnt get any cold form it or did it rain when i went to college, i was afraid whether it would rain since i had my laptop. Since it was my mom's birthday i went to subway today and ate, i am keeping money since i am returing to kerala so i will need some for travelling i cant go empty handed like many times before.

I will try to update my story with the help of google docs too let me see what i can do...


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