A lot of work to do...

The condition in college is somewhat tiresome, we are being kicked around like football i guess. The thing about this college is nothing is permenant, if there is something that needs to be done and there are ten million ways to do it and its like all depends on us. There is no directive, the only thing that i firmly know are the modules:
Final Year Project.
Buisness of media
If there is more please feel free to inform me pls...

My internet connection is seriously deteriorating, BSNL fix this please...


Well in my previous blog i told something about the Id Tech Engine that powered games such as Doom and Quake. Today we will take a look at one the most known game engine UDK (Unreal Development Kit).

Image Courtesy of :http://udk.com/

This engine has created some of game industries best games.. Some of them are here:

Gears of War Trilogy.
Gears of war created by Epic Games and Microsoft Game studios was one of the best games for PC i ever played and i still play it. The graphics was brilliant and the story even better. The best was the chainsaw bayonet with which you can rip your enemies apart. The cover system etc made the game stand out. But due to piracy issues Gears of war 2 and 3 were released only for XBOX 360.

Image Courtesy of :www.download.xbox.com

Mirrors Edge
This game was a RPG third person game made first person. Its a game which is defintley new in terms of gameplay and graphics too. When one imagines UDK its either a dull or gloomy environment but this game was full of light and bright colors showing the versatile nature of the engine.

Image Courtesy of :www.silegamer.com
Batman Arkham Asylum
A game so beautifully made that one would fall in love with it. Amazing graphics and the characters so beautifully made. I think they could have made the cape flow a little better.

Image Courtesy of : www.multiplayerblog.mtv.com
Mass Effect
Man, this is my most favorite game, Commander Shepherd and the Normandy. A combination of story telling and gameplay that will leave you wanting more. The characters so lively and real that you will fall in love with them. I have played this game for hours non stop.
Image Courtesy of : www.swotti.com

Dont think that the games that made with UDK is this much they have many much more...

UDK or Unreal development kit is available for free download from the following website. They release one every month the latest one is nearly 1.5 GB. There is now a mobile editor that can be used to create games for iPhones too.


This is the offical site of UDK: http://udk.com/

I think that will do for today... Take care...


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