Intern workz...

Well today was a day for internship work, we had to reconstruct some parts of the CTP game that we were doing. Sanjay asked me for a title screen, a thanks page and a profile creation page. I decided to do that and use less things in the page and give more emphasis on the things that needed focus and not bloating the screen with unwanted stuff. A more simplistic approach. Sanjay told he will send me a skyline of chennai. 

After that they asked for a high scores screen and that was made too. It was later kept for discussion on how the points will be given and stuff. So i decided to keep top 4 or 5 in the high scores screen.

I started to mark the buildings with their respective heights and widths in the top down view so that they can be modeled faster. I will be returning to chennai on 2nd of february. 


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