When things don't go as planned...

23rd October 2011,

A perfect Sunday, slept like anything. Started collecting information on virtual reality, after collecting all information it was like VR (virtual reality) felt like too muddy a topic for me. It was too general, if someone would ask me what was the goal i tried to achieve by doing that i would simply have no answer to that. So from VR i have decided that i would do it more concentrated around the fact that it is a better way of showing 3D computed generated environments.

So its like this, computed generated images or environments are mostly seen by us either in a 2D or 3D format. CGI is mostly 3D but this is seen with the help of monitors that is 2D, there is no depth in them. In the recent years companies like Nvidia have tired to bring 3D into this perspective. In the beginning it was the red and cyan type of 3D and now the new stereoscopic 3D is available that enables 3D in your system.

Nvidia 3D stereoscopic works like, you have a 120Hz monitor, the nvidia 3d package that includes the IR (Infrared) emitter, the shutter glasses and viola you have 3D.


The above link gives a better understanding of nvidia 3D and how it is used.

But still this is just seen in a monitor, you don't have the ability to move your head in a 360 degree view or anything to move or see the environment. But then the thought came that to do something close to VR that uses special goggles that tracks the movements or Omni directional threadmills would cost my dad a fortune and so that door has been sealed tight.

The only option i see before me now is to do a game that has something close enough to bring about the immersive experience of VR and that is my sterescopic effects in nvidia 3D. Well all this needs to be presented to Harish sir, i think most probably he would say its possible but then to i lack in developers so i am a bit concerned that if my game goes over programming i would be in serious trouble.

Well a discussion with Harish sir is now needed to finalize things but i think the game is the same as decided before but the dissertation topic is still eating my head. I hope things get better tomorrow.


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