BRC, GDD works

Started work on the GDD for the game. The story for the game has been done. Sadly its 3 pages long so i wont be posting it here but i will be giving a brief idea of whats happening in the game. The game as mentioned before happens in chennai. The BRC owns the night time racing, but the BRC is not one club but is a compilation of four clubs.

The main character in the game is a Karthi, a car mechanic, he is a honest guy and is returning to home after work but due to some errands became late and get in the way of race and cause a driver to crash. This driver takes him to the club where he meets the boss of the club 'Muthaliyar'. He demands that the car costs 75 lakhs and Karthi has no chance of repaying the debt so the boss gives him a contessa and tells him to race for them.

Karthi takes the car to his garage and fixes it and starts to race. Karthi starts to win all the races he is in an instant rise to fame. The other rival gangs try to buy him but Karthi stays with his club. So the others decide its time to end his win streak and cause and accident, but a deeper plot runs through and Karthi is in for a world of surprises.

This is the basic story, now i am working on the rest of the gameplay. I think within tomorrow i can have the GDD ready to be shown and then tweaking will be needed for the game.

The map is 50% complete but when looking at the map its really huge. Sanjay assures me that the levels can be done, but without a game developer our possibilites are kinda limited but as i always say , "Impossible is nothing!"

Nothing was done about the dissertation i think i will do some work later maybe, i dont know.


  1. Great Blog.Your Dad sent the link. Looks like Leonardo da Vinci graphics... Look forward to it...


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