Taking a blod step...

Conidering what has happened for the past few days, i think i am in a state of confusion and i am disoriented in many ways. But things are now kinda falling into place. To start things off i have had a change of perspectives on game design and well many of the older ideas are now getting replaced with better ones. With help from a few good sites and a friend i made i am now set with a strong base in my head.

Image Courtesy of: http://www.chaoskids.org/site/images/stories/feature/022010/UDK_title_image.jpg

Image Courtesy of: http://lucasmeijer.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/unitylogo.jpg
Well as you might have read in the earlier blogs, we were going to use unity which is a free SDK(Software Development Kit) for creating games, its good and well sanjay brought up the idea of using a different software than UDK(Unreal Development Kit) as it was already taught to us at college.

Well as an act of god or something i dont know i stumbled upon something that gave me the creeps. A game engine that had the abilities to set things on track for me. Knowing that this is the engine i am using will keep me on track.

Hmm... but i need to discuss the change of things with my head, Sanjay. Its his game so its up to him to make such decisions. I am now getting the nesscerray tutorials for this game engine and hopefully i think it will all pay off, november is ending and to tell the truth nothing has been done so far as to tell that the game is happening. I dont know my head hurts when i think more...

I pray for things to come out well in the end...


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