A helping hand...

Seeing the topic i think its clear that i am happy about something helping me out. Well i am a great fan of modelling and the tool in my arsenal and my friend for the past four years is still here to help me out, 3ds Max, Autodesk thank you for making this software...
3ds Max...
Image Courtesy of:

I started using 3ds max when i was doing my diploma, when it comes to modelling i think 3ds max is always ready to help me out. When i came to ICAT i learned about maya but the interface is so unwelcoming that a newbie in modelling would be overwhelmed with amount of buttons in front of him, literally scared i guess, thats how i was. I think i will give a comparison of the screenshots of interfaces in terms of 3ds max 2012 and Maya 2012. For general information maya was first created by the company Alias and then taken by Autodesk.

Autodesk 3ds Max 2012: This is how the interface looks SIMPLE :)

Autodesk Maya 2012: The Amout of buttons OMG!!

Most of my works are done in 3ds max and its a really user friendly programme, now enough about my good friend 3ds max. Today was really good, i started doing a house in 3ds max, and its after 2 1/2 years i am back to architectural modelling, when i did my diploma i made some exteriors and interiors, i think i will put it here, now i am trying to model a house based on some blueprints. The model is already there in 3d but i want to put my own touch to it.

Current WIP (Work in progress, it doesnt look even close to the one in the image above but will soon)

The walls and holes for the doors and windows are done, the floors are also done. Will be doing the windows and doors today, there will be two versions of the model, a high poly one for my showcase and a low poly one for the game we are doing.

Game Snaps...

Well since we talked about history i think its time to tell what happens in a game studio before a game is released. One day a guy gets an idea about a game he writes a GDD (Game Design Document) presents it to the higher officials like the game producers and department heads, after approval the concepting phase starts, here the artists starts to draw things in paper or computer, these things involves characters, levels, assets and all the stuff needed for the modelling phase.

In the modelling phase all these concpets are given to the modelling department and they make game engine friendly meshes that is then given to the riggers and they rig the models and send it to the animation department, they make the animations such as running and other stuff and bake them too.

This then goes to the level design artists who put all these meshes and stuff into the game engine and the programmers come in and start programming. After months the first beta test stage comes and the game.

Even after a game is released the game has a lot of bugs(problems) that will be fixed with updates.

This is a short description of how a game is made...

In the nexr blog i think i start will basic concpeting and its done :)


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