
Showing posts from April, 2012


Well work is progressing in a rather slow pace, i need to step things up if i need to meet the deadlines. Well working to a sense where i don't lose my self in the things around me, i can feel the tension in the air, in the face of my friends everyone is one edge. It seems that on may 5th there will be a jury on the portfolio, the buttons and timeline of which are not done yet. The dissertation is a complete mess, i am feeling afraid about the dissertation but my hopes are up and telling me that i can do this. Well i am not lying things are looking grim for me i have less that five days for saravanan sir to help me out with the menu screen, he said he has to leave for the Bangalore campus soon. Situation is at the moment stable i guess. Concentrating on finishing the level design so that i can start with the race tracks... Well this is the administrative side of the dock, this is what i was doing till now, in the morning i made a crane model and literally hated myself for making


Well off to a poor start lately, yesterday couldn't do anything was sleeping the entire day. Today came to college thinking of making the cranes for the level, there are actually three of them. First one is the container to lorry one then the ship to ground and misc one. The first one is done and has been put into the engine. It looks good but i am not satisfied with the modeling will try to make the next one better... Starting to work on the next one... hopefully by tomorrow morning i will have all three models ready to go...

refinery section

Well started working on more buildings today and well frankly thanks to all the work my right hand is shivering need to take a break from holding the mouse. I did two more buildings and then started to work on the refinery side of the level. Two main models are done the more details will be put in later on... thinking of working on my dissertation tonight...

Importing to cryengine

Well the six buildings that i did were sucessfully imported to cryengine (with a lot of crashes from 3ds max) in the end they all were in. It looked really great, the scale was a bit off so that needed adjusting so i guess this is what i have now with me...

More buildings...

Well sunday was officially sleep till evening and watch supernatural day, the creation panel of 3ds max was on the other screen so i couldnt do anything or i was too lazy to do anything. I sent Ali one of the buildings at 4 in the morning. Well came early to college so that i can start working and well at 11 Ali came and gave me the building mesh. Before that i managed to complete one model now the one he gave is also complete. This is the current WIP... Work is progressing steadily the tension is also up... praying that i can finish the modelling and stuff by wednesday....


Well next model done, this one is a fire station that is built in the docks in case of an emergency. It was designed based on an existing fire station. The poly count bothers me a bit but its not that much to worry about i did give a hell lot of detail in mesh and more in texture too. This is a screen shot from ds max. Sorry i am not showing how it looks in the game i will put it up in a day or so.


Well today was a day to remember i went to blur to meet Zaid and he was there play MGS4. In the afternoon we went to eat food downstairs. He ordered a pizza and for me ordered a noodles. It was really good like food you get in a 5 star hotel. Then i thought i will order steak, GOD it was the best ever. I mean it was not the one i had in mind but yet the best beef i had in my life.. IT LITERALLY MELTED IN MY MOUTH... Well finished the second model that Ali sent me, with unwrapping and textures too... now working on the third model... I think this saturday and sunday too i will be in college working... THERE AINT NO REST FOR THE WICKED... (its a song and one i recommend to listen)...


There is a saying that if something bad is gonna happen no matter what it will take even an autorickshaw and come to you. Inevitably finally it happened Sanjay has officially been kicked out of the project. Now things are gonna get even more hectic as the first formal jury will be on May first week so i need to complete the level in ten days time. I have called in all favors for my work and i hope it will all pay off. Ali and I started to work on the buildings so i asked him to do the base mesh and i will work on the details, unwrapping and texture and importing to engine too. So he finished 2 models which was really impressive for him i was shocked to see the amount of work he did in 4 hrs he is still new to modelling yet he saved me the time of base mesh. This is one of the building with texture... Working on the second base mesh now will finish within afternoon i guess and import it into the engine. Need to increase my speed 2 models per day is not enough. I hope i will be

Night stays...

Well today is one of those days you never forget. Me and Zaid planned to spend our day at CCD so i left for his place at 9am in the morning and reached his place by 10am. He was standing outside CCD and they open only at 11 so we to a nearby shop to spend our time there. I ordered a mountain dew can and was talking to Zaid. After sometime we moved to CCD, the topics that we discussed were really vast and i was blabbering about the current state of work for the entire time. FRIENDS = people who stay with you till the end, and not those guys who leave you when they see trouble... I know i have accquired a diamond of friends when i think of Zaid and Ali, i know that whenever i call he will pick up the phone and tell me that he is there. I had a lot of friends who when the opportuinity came left me. Zaid you have been the closest friend i had, thanks for being there for me man!! ( i am writting this like there is no tomorrow :P )... Well after that i went to college i got inside the

Unwrapping... headache

Today got up early and started to work on the level i was doing and its been a productive day. Made 5 models with textures and brought them into cryengine. I am not content with the models but it will have to have to do for now. The modeling part is easy but the texturing and unwrapping eats my head. Well still working on the models for the level a lot more to go. This is the current WIP...
After a few days of hang over from a good for nothing fever i am back on track with the work. Well a lot of good things happened in the days i was out. Sanjay out of the blue is now working on the models and he promises that the game will be completed by this month end or something i wasn't paying attention to his blabbering and he sent me his work which honestly i am in no state to comment on. Well sitting at my room made me realize that without a secondary monitor things are gonna go real slow so i decided to buy one and i did. I went out with zaid and got a new monitor. Its a 1080p Samsung monitor costed me around 10k. Its now doing me a world of good. The extended screen space means i can work faster. Well after that there was... hmm... well quite frankly nothing. I was doing absolutely nothing for the past few days. Watching tutorials and TV i guess. I couldn't work... I even started to watch cartoon on YouTube oh...  Well work is continuing and frankly the lev

Happy Easter :)

Hey guys happy easter to all, wish you all the goodness of it. Well i am out of bed for now, i feel weak. I really wanted to eat something. I called the only person i can call 'ZAID' and said lets go out and we went out what a day it was. I went to EA and told we will meet up there. The amount of people there was overwhelming. I couldn't turn too much people and noise. I grabbed a cappuccino from CCD and went to food court which was just bursting with people. Zaid came and he too felt the same. We went to escape to see if there was any good movies and sadly they all were full. We decided to get some food, i never tried food from Sparky's so we decided to go there. The one in Chetpet was closed and  Vivian told there was one in Nungambakkam so we went there sadly didnt find it. We went to the CCD there and grabbed something to drink, walked a long way not knowing where we are going just walking. Then we thougth it was enough and took an auto to City Centre where we ha


Hey guys, how are you all doing. Well i am bed ridden :( , yesterday i couldnt get up from bed, now i am feeling much better. I hope i will feel better by tomorrow...


Hey guys any one who is interested in a 2d game engine, my friends mentor has created a 2d game engine and its called 'Spriter' This is the link, the game engine i think is available for 25$, please support him. This is my friend Zaid's link too..


Hey guys, sorry for not posting anything for all these days. The time in college was hectic, working on a lot of stuff right now. I wish i had 4 heads and 10 hands... Well to put everything in order i will start with portfolio, i have been working on the portfolio for a week now, the design aspects are done and now have to do the timing and stuff. Most of the design is simplistic and mostly with the inside designs being made with an origami style.  Welcome Screen Main menu Information screen Gallery screen Then the UI design, this is something i have kept on hold for sometime. Its going to be the menu screen for the game and stuff. Menu screen design The main thing is the scaleform stuff, which i clearly have no idea on how to do, i will do my best though to do it... The roads need to be textured and a camera needs to be placed, and a lot more stuff to be done. Cars, i did a rough work on a lancer evo, then some other cars too... Honda Civic Lance