
There is a saying that if something bad is gonna happen no matter what it will take even an autorickshaw and come to you. Inevitably finally it happened Sanjay has officially been kicked out of the project. Now things are gonna get even more hectic as the first formal jury will be on May first week so i need to complete the level in ten days time. I have called in all favors for my work and i hope it will all pay off. Ali and I started to work on the buildings so i asked him to do the base mesh and i will work on the details, unwrapping and texture and importing to engine too. So he finished 2 models which was really impressive for him i was shocked to see the amount of work he did in 4 hrs he is still new to modelling yet he saved me the time of base mesh. This is one of the building with texture...

Working on the second base mesh now will finish within afternoon i guess and import it into the engine. Need to increase my speed 2 models per day is not enough. I hope i will be able to do things fast...


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