After a few days of hang over from a good for nothing fever i am back on track with the work. Well a lot of good things happened in the days i was out. Sanjay out of the blue is now working on the models and he promises that the game will be completed by this month end or something i wasn't paying attention to his blabbering and he sent me his work which honestly i am in no state to comment on.

Well sitting at my room made me realize that without a secondary monitor things are gonna go real slow so i decided to buy one and i did. I went out with zaid and got a new monitor. Its a 1080p Samsung monitor costed me around 10k. Its now doing me a world of good. The extended screen space means i can work faster.

Well after that there was... hmm... well quite frankly nothing. I was doing absolutely nothing for the past few days. Watching tutorials and TV i guess. I couldn't work...

I even started to watch cartoon on YouTube oh... 

Well work is continuing and frankly the level i am working on will be completed most probably by 2 weeks or so. I have asked my good friend Ali to help me out with the modeling too.

Well this is the current WIP its just the containers and stuff in order i have delete most of them ...

Cryengine has released its 3.4.0 update which i am downloading now...

Well today was Vishu, i guess that means Malayalam new year or something i don't quite remember... oh darn it... i can go to Google and see what it is but i am too lazy...

 I had a shooting with DD and it was epic, i made him shoot the same scene 10-15 times because i was screwing up the dialogue... :)


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