
Well work is progressing in a rather slow pace, i need to step things up if i need to meet the deadlines. Well working to a sense where i don't lose my self in the things around me, i can feel the tension in the air, in the face of my friends everyone is one edge. It seems that on may 5th there will be a jury on the portfolio, the buttons and timeline of which are not done yet. The dissertation is a complete mess, i am feeling afraid about the dissertation but my hopes are up and telling me that i can do this. Well i am not lying things are looking grim for me i have less that five days for saravanan sir to help me out with the menu screen, he said he has to leave for the Bangalore campus soon. Situation is at the moment stable i guess. Concentrating on finishing the level design so that i can start with the race tracks...

Well this is the administrative side of the dock, this is what i was doing till now, in the morning i made a crane model and literally hated myself for making that model, the crane that was done before need a bit of improvement too so that will be taken care of...

This is what i have done, the plants and trees are not mine they are from the engine, rest of stuff done by me...


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