Night stays...

Well today is one of those days you never forget. Me and Zaid planned to spend our day at CCD so i left for his place at 9am in the morning and reached his place by 10am. He was standing outside CCD and they open only at 11 so we to a nearby shop to spend our time there. I ordered a mountain dew can and was talking to Zaid. After sometime we moved to CCD, the topics that we discussed were really vast and i was blabbering about the current state of work for the entire time.

FRIENDS = people who stay with you till the end, and not those guys who leave you when they see trouble...

I know i have accquired a diamond of friends when i think of Zaid and Ali, i know that whenever i call he will pick up the phone and tell me that he is there. I had a lot of friends who when the opportuinity came left me. Zaid you have been the closest friend i had, thanks for being there for me man!! ( i am writting this like there is no tomorrow :P )...

Well after that i went to college i got inside the auto near zaid's home and i told Santhome church, he asked me are you friend of BOSS i am like WHO? then it struck me OMG! ZAID! ha he asked me 50rs for taking me to college because thats what zaid gives him.

There was a meeting with the faculty at 2pm regarding the progress of our work ( now things are gonna get ugly) i went inside and i am like the second person in the entire day to show up. Prior to my conversation to Zaid i was a bit on the edge on certain problems that i was facing and caffiene thanks to CCD too... i went and she asked me what all things i have done and i started to explain stuff and the most dreadful question came "Where is SANJAY", i told i didnt know because i really didnt know. They asked me what work has he done i told "i dont know", did he do any work "i dont know", did he give you any work "NO!". Well KICK him...

The thing i feared for weeks finally happened they made me write a letter telling i dont want sanjay in my team and they asked me what i have done. I showed my blog which is my sole evidence for all the work i have done... THANK YOU GOOGLE!! and the guys at BLOGGER...

She asked me you did all this and what did he do? OMG i was like literally on edge i was getting jumpy. They asked me to show what i did and i am trying to open my level and its like not opening. WIERD days... finally went upstairs set everything up and showed them. They were impressed but i know whats gonna happen now. Sanjay has told he will be coming tomorrow so lets see what happens...

Well nights stays are officially back, i have Saravanan sir backing me up with programming so that i can concentrate on the modelling side. Its good to have someone back me up but the scars make me feel that i cant trust anyone at this instance i have to push myself to do this work.

Well i completed the main entrance and exit for the level. Its low poly and looks really bad too but its for now and i guess it will suffice, honestly the modelling i am doing makes me feel so bad that i really want to redo the models but i dont have the time to do it so i am convincing myself that this is a racing game its enough...

Main gate... god i suck at modelling...
After that i started on a building beside it, the modelling is done, its the unwrapping that kills time...

Crysis 3 has been announced and this time Prophet is packing a KICK A$$ bow with him too...

This is the link to the post by Cry-Adam, this is gonna be really good, the game is available for pre-order i think its 1599INR...


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