Requiscat in Pace...

Well as usual got up late and today we have a function we need to attend so i went to get my hair and beard cut as they were getting long and then went to the function. Updating a blog is tough buisness especially if u are doing it daily. I like doing this but is also tough, today most probably i will get the chance to watch the tutorial i downloaded. 

Finished ACR with a 80% tried to do all side missions sadly once the game is over i cant go back into the animus, the ending was just epic...

Now i am downloading Coldplay Live in Glastonbury, its 4GB oh and almost forgot my first ever Blu-Ray disc was put in the drive today. It was pirates of the carribean On stranger tides, we bought it for 450rs and the quality OMG!! the disc is nearly 22 GB. God just four movies would fill a hard drive.

ooh... butterflies...
From left to right, Guy Berryman, Will Champion, Chris Martin and Jonny Buckland
Pirates of the Caribbean, On Stranger Tides BLU-RAY!!

Assassins Creed Revelations

In this game we have to play all three characters Altair, Ezio and Desmond. Desmond who is in coma is now hooked up to the Animus there he meets subject 17, the area called the Black room. Now Desmond has to piece together seperate memories of Altair and Ezio or all the memories will collapse and lead to a brain dead state. Ezio is now 60 years old and is after the Masyaf Keys that will open the Grand Library where Altair has hidden a vast amount of wealth in terms of knowledge. In the game we meet the Ottaman Ruler Sulieman in his prime and help him, Ezio is in now love with Sofia a librarian who helps him track the where abouts of the Masyaf keys. After getting the Masyaf keys he opens the library to find Altair dead inside holding the last key and the location of the apple of eden. As he goes to retrieve it he says that he has had enough for one life and calls desmond and shows him a vision of what happened in the past and what he must do to prevent it. After that desmond wakes up from coma and tells that he now knows what he must do to prevent what is going to happen in 2012.

Altair and Ezio...

Hang on Ezio...
For more reading's_Creed:_Revelations

Tomorrow other games of Assassins Creed...


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